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Academic ESL Program Information

Since 1991, we have served more than 1,来自世界各地的000名英语学习者参加我们的学术ESL课程. Our students are refugees, student-visa holders, businessmen and businesswomen, and visiting scholars.

参加该课程的学生可以获得ESL熟练证书. 本证书旨在培养国际学生和非本地居民的学术英语水平和学习技能.

We are an accredited 该计划以卓越和创新而闻名. ESL的教职员工致力于让我们的学生在职业和学术课程以及劳动力市场上与美国同行竞争.


Students who complete the Academic ESL program:

  • 读、写、听、说,在学术和职业课程中取得成功.
  • 培养学习技能,在学术和职业课程中取得成功.
  • Work with online classes.

Graduation and Transition Ceremony

五月份,我们会表彰完成高级课程的学生. On the same day as the college graduation, 上午举行的ESL毕业典礼是为了让朋友和家人庆祝你的成就. The college administration, including the president and members of the board, 以及学院的教职员工一起来表彰完成的学生 Adult Education ESL Program and Academic ESL Program.

Academic ESL Courses

Upon entering the program, 学生将参加我们的语言分班测试,以确定他们的入门水平:基础, Intermediate, or Advanced.

ESL 051  Foundations I
ESL 053  Foundations II
ESL 062 Intermediate Grammar
ESL 064 Intermediate Reading
ESL 066 Intermediate Writing
ESL 068 Intermediate Oral Skills or
ESL 070 – Communication Skills
COMM 105/ESL 072 – Advanced Grammar
ESL 074 Advanced Reading
ESL 076 Advanced Writing
COMM 100/ESL 078 Advanced Oral Skills

Academic ESL Admission Requirements

在你开始课程之前,你将参加语言分班考试. 你在这个测试中得到的分数将帮助我们找出哪些课程对你达到目标最有帮助.

ESL International Voices Magazine

我们大学的价值观之一是欣赏多样性. 这意味着你和你的文化体验是太阳城集团博彩教育使命的核心.

当你在ESL课程的高级写作课上, 你将为我们的ESL时事通讯撰写并发表一篇文章. You will decide what to write. 你要安排面试,然后你要完成写作过程. Students have written about customs, political and educational issues, 还有一些关于文化适应的有趣故事.

Your voice is heard! 我们的行政人员、董事会成员和教职员工每学期都会收到一份ESL时事通讯. 你让整个大学社区了解你是谁,你的梦想是什么.

Our Publications


Frequently Asked Questions About Academic ESL

How many students are usually in my Academic ESL class?



学术ESL课程的大部分课程都是发展性课程. 这意味着学生参加这些课程是为了准备他们参加大学水平的课程, 因此,学生在这些课程中不会获得学分. But if you take ESL 078/COMM 100 or ESL 072/COMM 105, 在参加学术ESL课程时,您将获得这些课程的学分.

When can I begin the Academic ESL Program?


  • 秋季学期从8月开始,12月结束.
  • The spring semester begins in January and ends in May.
  • The summer session begins in June and ends in July. This is an intensive six-week session.


符合条件的永久居民或公民可以申请 financial aid to pay for tuition and possibly books. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility. Some limited scholarships 是通过太阳城集团博彩基金会提供给ESL学生的.

Do I have to pay for Academic ESL classes?

Yes. 学术性ESL课程为五学时课程, 因此,学生需要根据当前的每学时费用支付学费.


你需要修的课的数量取决于你选择的课程类型和专业. In general, 选择证书课程或两年制职业课程的学生应完成6级(中级课程)课程。. However, 想要完成副学士学位或转学课程的学生应该完成7级(高级课程).

How do I know which ESL classes I need to take?

在你报名参加ESL课程之前,你会得到一个 language placement test. Your level is determined by your score on the test. For more information about ESL classes, email Janet Francisco.

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Janet Francisco
Program Coordinator